The Symbiosis of Strength and Flexibility
The Symbiosis of Strength and Flexibility - they help each other survive, grow and prosper. A flexible athlete can produce more force and a strong athlete becomes flexible faster. Any Dancer, Martial Artist, Gymnast and any other athlete knows this. The list extends to swimmers, javelin throwers, baseball pitchers, and the list goes on and on.
However we are here at EasyFlexibility to talk about Flexibility training, and the best way to develop it, keep it and use it. Everyone who trains EasyFlexibility knows by now that adding strength exercises to stretching, hastens the results, protects form injury, etc.
A very common question that comes up is how to combine them. Strength is useful under two conditions:
- If it's used for pre-conditioning: then it can be in any range.
- If it's used to maintain flexibility or increase the rage of flexibility gain: then it must be used in new ranges only.
Referring to the first option, stretching is best received when the muscles are properly prepared, through basic conditioning exercises. Second option is the one, which we get questions the most. So how do we combine Kinesiological Stretching, Extended Length Conditioning, Antagonist Short Length Conditioning and other exercises. Here is the answer:
How to Combine Strength and Flexibility
Where to Start
First we need to develop a deeper range that we want to keep and make ourselves comfortable in. Kinesiological Stretching Techniques are used for that range. A skill is broken down into muscles, and each one is hit with KST. Now you are deeper. If it's a kick or developpe, the leg can now be raised higher. If it's a split, forward or back bend, the angle is better. So now the strength exercises come in.
How to Pick the Right Exercises
The exercises chosen depend of course on the skill. The whole thing mentioned above is One Round.
- You did the stretching, you did the strengthening following the stretching. That is one round.
- Next you do a Second Round. Kinesiological Stretching Techniques are repeated. Usually with additional reps or with modalities added.
- After the KST are done, strength exercises are repeated.
What you will notice is that in the second round the KST can take the joints into deeper range, courtesy of strength exercises. And the strength and form is better on the strength exercises, courtesy of the stretches.
- This is Second Round. A beginner will usually do 1-2 rounds.
- A 48 hour recovery is expected. In other words, if you trained on Monday, by Wednesday, there should be no soreness.
- If that is the case, you add a round. If on the other hand you are sore.
- You should wait till soreness goes away, and either drop a round or stay with the same number of rounds (If, you only did one round), till recovery takes 48 hours.
How to Recover Faster
In between the training sessions, relaxed stretches are recommended. At the same time, if you can do a relaxed stretching session on the same day as KST and supported strength exercises, it's recommended as well.
So for example if you did an EasyFlexibility Program on Monday morning or mid-day, relaxed stretches can be done the same night, if time allows.
Since you're reading this it means that you're here to learn more about the ElasticSteel Kick Mastery System, so let's jump right into it.
If you are not in the mood for long a discussion of what it is or why you need it or how it will benefit you, explanation, etc, then all you need is to know two things that the ElasticSteel Kick Mastery System is about:
- Speed of Mastery (5-6 times faster than an average student) Imagine that you can learn how to kick in 3 to 6 months! That's right, high super powerful and mighty kicks can be yours in only 3 - 6 months instead of 1.5 to 2.5 years!
- Safety. No longer will you need to take breaks from practicing your favorite sport due to injury, the program is designed with safety in mind, so that you don't go above and beyond of what your body is ready for and in the process end up wasting months or even years on getting yourself back on track due to injury.
Now lets talk about ESKMS in depth
Once again, speed of mastery, means that an average student becomes an expert kicker in 3-6 months!
Safety means that anyone get's to master the system with minimal risk of injury, and learn how to position the body in such a way that kicks at high level are possible for the entire life of a martial artists.
Granted 3-6 months is not overnight. (If you want to become a master kicker overnight, this is not the page for you.) However, a poll taken from dozens of instructors and hundreds of students shows that an average time it takes to master, not just to learn, but to completely master basic kicks is between 1.5-2.5 years, that is 18-30 months, 5-6 times as long as what ESKMS is ready to do for you. Let's compare this further.
I talk about how to completely master the kicks, but what does it mean? ElasticSteel sets the highest of standards and accepts nothing else.
So here's what it means to master the kicks
NO PAIN! Sure go talk about speed, power, height, but if you are hurting every time you do them, at some point you will stop. You better stop actually, because pain is an indicator you are doing something wrong.
With ESKMS, you learn how to move pain free and prepare the body to allow you to do just that.
- FREE and EASY. Your kick that is. If your kick does not feel like your punch, then you can't use it just as well. However, the shoulders allow for much more untrained range of motion than the hips do. So don't expect to kick well without correctly training for the kicks first. And it's not just the kicking leg that you need to fully prepare before executing effortless kicks, but also the supporting leg, and the whole spine. (Decrease in back pain, better posture, proper alignment, are some of the side effects of ESKMS training.)
- GOAT-CRANE LIKE BALANCE Did you know that a mountain goat has the best dynamic balance in the animal kingdom and that the Crane can spend many hours standing, even sleeping on one leg? Well, mastering the one footed base of support is the foundation to everything else and ESKMS makes sure you get the skills comparable to these beasts.
- NO RESTRICTIONS Kicking High, Kicking Low, Twisting Left, Bending Right. A master kicker has enough range of motion to do it all with grace and control.
- GREESED LIGHTNING If you can't kick very fast, you have not mastered the technique. Martial Arts is not Ballet, regardless of how high you stick or swing stick your leg. If you can't kick with lightning speed, you have not mastered the kick.
- SUBSTANCE Finally the kick is a weapon meant to hurt. A mastery of the kick means you can use your mass to accelerate your foot, and drive it deep into or through the target.
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ESKMS is a scientific shortcut, if you will.
Now, in Plain English. NO B.S.
The levels are:
- Core and Hip Positioning and Awareness, Posture/ Kinesiological Stretching
- Kick Positioning/ Flexibility/Short and Long Range Strength, Stability and Balance.
- Applied Flexibility/ Controlled Kick Trajectory/Precision/Control/Target Endurance
- Automatic Kick Trajectory, Pathway Absorption/Adaptation, Deceleration
- Reaction Forces, Mass Acceleration, Target Connection/Penetration
- Application, Target Access, Distance, Timing, Attack/Retreat Vectors
Each level can take as little as 2 weeks and as long as 6 weeks. 4 weeks is considered average.
So, if you want to know what training in ESKMS is all about, here is short look in.
It can be used by any martial arts stylist who employs basic kicks.
Now, I am going to share something I probably shouldn't.
After 2-3 people gave me a similar intro, I knew the question that was about to come up.
My response is always swift and if you are asking yourself the same question right know, hear this.
The Seminar
The Certification
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© ElasticSteel Corp., EasyFlexibility, Paul Zaichik, et. El., 2022. No part of the materials available through,, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Paul Zaichik, Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Paul Zaichik, is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Paul Zaichik,,