How To Roundhouse Kick Instep vs Ball of The Foot Kick Stricking Surface

Roundhouse kick can make contact with the instep or the ball of the foot. These are some points to keep in mind when deciding what surface to use for the impact.

Watch this short video to learn more about it.

We'll show you how to train your body for the fastest and safest mastery of the kicks.

It doesn’t have to take years to master a perfect kick, if you know what to practice. Indeed very few masters in the world, who perfected their own kicks, know how to quickly and safely pass the skills on to others. 

Speed of Roundhouse kick, just like the speed of other kicks, depends on two factors:

1. Proper chain acceleration

2. Ability to decelerate.

You are probably thinking; “What about staying loose?”

“I heard you have to stay loose” yes, that’s correct, and that’s a part of proper chain acceleration. The chain is easy to describe. Shoulder leads turn into the direction of the target. Pulls the pelvis. Pelvis accelerates the upper leg, through the hip joint. And then the knee joint moves and the kick shoots out.

At least two of three martial artists reading this probably already standing up and trying to throw a kick while looking at paragraph above. The other 1/3 is probably in the office or formal setting….The exact extend of how much each joint move varies.

The Styles!

Some styles stand more sideways and the upper body initiation is harder to do. Others use less knee and more hip. Still the overall chain is the same. If there is no whip, there is no speed. (And no power either…) Proper mechanics is only part of the issue. Deceleration is the other.

In many cases it’s a more pressing issue. In simple terms, your body does not want you to get injured. A special mechanism is put in place to prevent you front getting hurt. If you can’t put a brake a fast kick, you can’t throw a fast kick. Or punch for that matter.

In case of the roundhouse kick it’s the hamstrings that decelerate. They need to be strong, flexible and aware when and how to contract. Only then you can kick at full speed, even if the mechanics are completely correct.

So what does this program do?

Strengthen your hamstrings. Develop the proper chain. Little by little begin to practice the kick with artificial deceleration. Gradually building the muscles to decelerate on their own, and allow for full speed. It’s a very straight forward program.

Do you need this program?

Is your roundhouse fast? If it is, you don’t need it. Perhaps you learned something by reading the few paragraphs above, so your time was not waisted. If your roundhouse is slow. You need it.


Click on the Picture Below to Get Started! 


© ElasticSteel Corp., EasyFlexibility, Paul Zaichik, et. El., 2022. No part of the materials available through,, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Paul Zaichik, Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Paul Zaichik, is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Paul Zaichik,,

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