Twist Kick:
Technical Kicking Leg Development
Technical Kicking Leg Development
What do you need to be able to do, in order to master a Twist Kick?
- Requirement is a Hip Turnout. (Free Lateral Rotation of the Hip Joint)
- It’s the strength. The strength is to do two things:
A. To Keep the hip in turned out position;
B. To Lift the leg up, while in turned position.
Why is this kick so difficult when first attempted?
The Turn OUT position is not common. Four major front line kicks, and three major side line kicks are thrown in neutral or turned IN position. This is why a Twist kick is so hard for almost everyone who first tries it. Because all other kicks train the body to do the opposite to what the Twist kick need.
They shorten the muscles that need to be stretched and stretch the muscles that need to be shortened. So what does this program do? We use Zaichik Stretching Techniques to stretch the muscles that would prevent the leg from being turned out and pulled up.
We strengthen the muscles that pull the leg up and turn it out. If you want to learn more about the muscles used, here you go:

Do you need this program?
Alright now, do you need this program? What height do you need this kick to be? Groin, Solar Plexus, Face? What ever the target is. Extend the kick to that target. Try to hold for few seconds. If you can do it, you don’t need the program. If you can’t extend the kick and hold it there for at least few seconds. You need it.
You can start right now! This program is online! -You can watch from any device. - Get support from our private group of students. - Lifetime access. Here's what you'll get:

- An online video training program containing various drills to help you improve your kicks.
- Lifetime Online Access – You can watch from any device
- Get support from our private group of students
Click on the BUY NOW BUTTON below to get started!
Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to!

Adductors Strength & Flexibility
This program contains:
Adductors are four muscles whose primary role is hip adduction. Adduction is pulling the limb toward the mid-line of the body.

All Kick Master Combo
This Package includes:
- Side Kick Training (7 programs)
- 1- Technical Kicking Leg Development
- 2- Trunk Flexibility and Strength for Optimum Kicking
- 3- Supporting Leg Training For Kicking Height
- 4- Precision and Accuracy
- 5- Speed Development
- 6- Power Development
- 7- Neutralizing Opponents Defense and Guard Penetration Set Ups
- Roundhouse and Hook Kicks Training (4 programs)
- 1- Roundhouse Kick: Technical Kicking Leg Development
- 2- Roundhouse Kick: Speed Development
- 3- Roundhouse Kick: Power Development
- 4- Hook Kick: Power Development
- Front Kick Training (5 programs)
1- Front Kick and Front Line Kicks: Technical Kicking Leg Development
2- Front Kick: Speed Development
3- Push Front Kick: Power Development
4- Axe Kick: Power Development
5- Ball of the Foot: Point of Impact
Advance Kick Training (4 programs)
1- Twist Kick Technical Kicking Leg Development
2- Flying Side Kick: Technique and Jumping Height Development
3- Scorpion Kick: Perfect form Development
4- Flying Split Scissors Kick, Two Direction Kick
Kick Retention Training
A specific video focusing on functional kick training.
Three Classic ElasticSteel Functional Strength And Conditioning Books
1- The Gravity Advantage
2- The Gravity Advantage Max
3- The Power of One
Two Extra Programs for Hand Conditioning
1- Fist Point of Impact: Wrist, Knuckles and Forearm Development
2- Palm Strike Strength and Flexibility Training

Hamstrings Advanced Level
This programs contains:
The Advanced Hamstrings routine is for those of you who are familiar with the Zaichik Stretching techniques and can comfortably implement the routine. It takes things up a notch by introducing muscle contraction in addition to muscle action for an even more intense workout.
Don’t see what you want? Need help selecting a program? Want to buy more than one program? We can put together a one step checkout for you with all the programs that you wish to buy so you don't need to keep clicking the buy now button over and over again and can checkout one time with all the programs you need.
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
We’re here for you! Just send us an email to info@easyflexibility.com describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you!
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