Side Kick Analysis (part 8)

Kicking Leg:

Today, we are going to do something different. We are going to look at 2 pictures of the same person. Side kick thrown in the picture 1 and then, the same person attempted to throw a higher side kick, a little bit out of the comfort zone as shown in the picture 2.

If you look at the 2 pictures side by side, you will notice that the right hip is higher in picture 2.

So, in order to kick higher, the pelvis has to be tilted.

What does this mean for the kicking leg? It means that it couldn’t abduct higher than it already was.

Maybe the kicker has reached maximal abduction that the hip joint allows and the restriction was at the hip joint.

Or perhaps more likely there was some room to abduct but there was lack of flexibility in the kicking leg or lack of strength in short range of the kicking leg. Whatever the case is, the only way to kick higher was to tilt the pelvis and for many people, that is the case.
Supporting Leg:
Now take a look at the supporting leg.

You will notice that in order to abduct the pelvis, you have to turnout.
And you will see that, picture 2 has a better turnout in the supporting leg than picture 1.
And you will see that, picture 2 has a better turnout in the supporting leg than picture 1.

Remember, if those legs are turned in, you can only abduct about 45° on one leg and on the other leg.

That means that without turning out, the kick can maximally come up to 90° which is 45° from kicking leg and 45° from the supporting leg.

A quick note about 45°. If you open any Kinesiology or Anatomy book, most likely you will see 45° abduction.

Why do I say about 45°? Because in practice I saw that some people have it a little bit more and some people have it a little bit less when I measured them.

I have seen a lot of kickers try to kick without a turnout.

Unless the body goes forward, in this case towards the camera, or they try to hyperextend their back,

They are at the risk of injuring their joint (Hip Joint) if they go against it’s normal range of motion.
Let’s take a look at the torso.

You will see that as the kick goes higher, the torso dropped. This is normal, the torso has to drop.

If the torso doesn’t drop, that means that the person has to have more strength and flexibility in the trunk.

When most people kick, they tend to kick at the maximal range of motion in their spine, maximal lateral bending range of motion.

However, professional fighters sometimes use a trick. They kick to the body without maximal lateral bending of their spine. This allows them to kick to the head with maximum range of motion without dropping their shoulders down.

Now, most people when they see their opponent, they expect to see the shoulders drop away as the kick comes up higher.

Subconsciously, they don’t expect the kick to go up and when the kick does, it catches them with surprise.

I have personally used this strategy very successfully. Specially when throwing a lower kick, then a higher kick. For example,

Roundhouse to the body, Roundhouse to the head

Roundhouse to the body, Hook kick to the head,

And even side kick to the body and then Roundhouse, hook kick or side kick to the head.
On the street or in the ring, it can stop the opponent cold. How come it’s only rarely used to it’s full effectiveness. A large part of the equation to utilize the kick fully, is found in the set up. The more powerful the kick (or punch), the more shifting of mass is needed.
This means longer trajectory. For this reason, it is easier to detect. Thus making it less effective. Very few fighters can keep scoring with a side kick outright. Just like very few fighters can keep throwing a straight right and landing each time.Power shots require a set up.
On the street or in the ring, it can stop the opponent cold. How come it’s only rarely used to it’s full effectiveness. A large part of the equation to utilize the kick fully, is found in the set up. The more powerful the kick (or punch), the more shifting of mass is needed.
This combo includes the following programs:

Side Kick Height Development

Technical Kicking Leg Development

Trunk Flexibility and Strength Development

Side Kick Power Development

Side Kick Speed Development

Side Kick Precision & Accuracy

Flying Side Kick
The programs were designed by Paul Zaichik, martial arts and kinesiology expert, founder of ElasticSteel in 2005.
Paul Zaichik and his team have been perfecting martial arts training since then, and here we bring you all this distilled knowledge to make you and unstoppable kicking machine.
The programs were designed by Paul Zaichik, martial arts and kinesiology expert, founder of ElasticSteel in 2005.
Paul Zaichik and his team have been perfecting martial arts training since then, and here we bring you all this distilled knowledge to make you and unstoppable kicking machine.

Side Kick Height Development
Kicking height of the side line kicks, depends on the flexibility of the supporting leg or standing leg. In order to throw a high kick, the kicking side of the pelvis must tilt up. If the pelvic does not tilt, the kicking hip abduct no more than 45 degrees.

Side Kick: Technical Kicking Leg Development
Ideally developing the kicking leg should take place even before a single kick is thrown. However that’s not possible for most people. Everyone who lands on this page, has already thrown kicks.

Side Kick and Side Line Kicks: Trunk Flexibility and Strength Development for Optimum Kicks Development
If your torso is strong and flexible the kick is hard to see when it’s coming. If the trunk is stiff and weak, it will drop before the kick is initiated. It can be seen a mile away.
Thus is takes less effort to throw a kick when the torso does not have to make a trip to the corner store and back every time the leg comes up. Yes, it’s that important and that’s why we made a program for it.
Thus is takes less effort to throw a kick when the torso does not have to make a trip to the corner store and back every time the leg comes up. Yes, it’s that important and that’s why we made a program for it.

Side Kick Power Development
Side Kick have been developed for power. It’s advantage is full mass acceleration, in direct like with the impact. Joint effort of the strongest muscle groups in the body. No weak link to give or buckle upon impact. All these factors compound a biomechanically advantageous “go to” weapon, when raw power is called for.
With power comes responsibility. I am not talking about “driving the person you kicked to the hospital” type responsibility. But responsibility to your own self. To your own body. The impact of the kick is severe and stress on joints accumulates over time. In order to strive under that stress the body must be properly conditioned to handle that impact.

Side Kick: Speed Development
Why “safe progression”? When it comes to speed training chances of injuries is very high. This does not apply only to side kick of course. Slowing the kick down is the moment when injuries happen. Every fast kick needs to be decelerated. (you are not throwing a rock or a ball, but your foot) So you need to pull the kick back. The faster you kick, the harder you need to pull it back. In case of the side kick the hip flexors and adductors do most of that “pulling back”.

Side Kick: Precision and Accuracy
Side kick is the kick known for it’s power. Side kick is also the least accurate kick of all kicks. Muscles used in the kick are large and powerful. Regulation of these muscles is called gross motor control. The opposite of GMC is fine motor control. The example of FMC is writing with a pen. Fine motor control is what is needed for accuracy. The two types of control rarely naturally co-exist. They are brought together through specialized training.

Flying Side Kick
This program shows a safe flying side kick progression and develops the height of the kick. The capacity to jump high while performing this kick is found in a proper takeoff. However, to do the kick safely multiple times, the landing is of greatest importance.

How high is their upper body during side line kicks?
Ok, enough said. In this program we focus on the flexibility and strength training of the torso. It’s not a six pack program... (however it will greatly develop the core), but body builder looking abs is not its primary purpose. The purpose is to improve every aspect of the Side Kick, Roundhouse Kick and Hook Kick.
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Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to!

Adductors Strength & Flexibility
This program contains:
Adductors are four muscles whose primary role is hip adduction. Adduction is pulling the limb toward the mid-line of the body.
Additionally some texts list Pectineus as an adductor. There are a number of other muscles that also adduct the leg. Most of those muscles are external rotators of the hip. Since most applications of abduction have a superimposed lateral rotation, additional adductors do not restrict abduction or horizontal abduction. The exception are medial hamstrings, which are internal rotators of the hip.

All Kick Master Combo
This Package includes:
Side Kick Training (7 programs)
1- Technical Kicking Leg Development
2- Trunk Flexibility and Strength for Optimum Kicking
3- Supporting Leg Training For Kicking Height
4- Precision and Accuracy
5- Speed Development
6- Power Development
7- Neutralizing Opponents Defense and Guard Penetration Set Ups
Roundhouse and Hook Kicks Training (4 programs)
1- Roundhouse Kick: Technical Kicking Leg Development
2- Roundhouse Kick: Speed Development
3- Roundhouse Kick: Power Development
4- Hook Kick: Power Development
Front Kick Training (5 programs)
1- Front Kick and Front Line Kicks: Technical Kicking Leg Development
2- Front Kick: Speed Development
3- Push Front Kick: Power Development
4- Axe Kick: Power Development
5- Ball of the Foot: Point of Impact
Advance Kick Training (4 programs)
1- Twist Kick Technical Kicking Leg Development
2- Flying Side Kick: Technique and Jumping Height Development
3- Scorpion Kick: Perfect form Development
4- Flying Split Scissors Kick, Two Direction Kick
Kick Retention Training
A specific video focusing on functional kick training.
Three Classic ElasticSteel Functional Strength And Conditioning Books
1- The Gravity Advantage
2- The Gravity Advantage Max
3- The Power of One
Two Extra Programs for Hand Conditioning
1- Fist Point of Impact: Wrist, Knuckles and Forearm Development
2- Palm Strike Strength and Flexibility Training

Complete Shoulder Flexion
This program contains:
Being able to stretch the shoulder abductors and extensors, as well as scapula inferior rotators allows the arm to come up to at least vertical line. In many cases more than 180 degree is needed, in throwing sports for example, such as javelin, football and baseball. Same applied to serves in volleyball and rocket sports.
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Enough time wasted!
Stop wasting time and money, risking your health, hitting plateaus, wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it! Start your ElasticSteel Side Kick Training Program right NOW and soon it will be YOU knocking your opponents out with a kick in their head.
© ElasticSteel Corp., EasyFlexibility, Paul Zaichik, et. El., 2022. No part of the materials available through,, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Paul Zaichik, Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Paul Zaichik, is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Paul Zaichik,,
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