ZED #11 - ZejaX Gables
This variation is done with both legs, but you can try with one as well. Position: Place ZejaX where the wall and floor meet. How far you are from the wall will depend on your flexibility and strength, the closer...
This variation is done with both legs, but you can try with one as well. Position: Place ZejaX where the wall and floor meet. How far you are from the wall will depend on your flexibility and strength, the closer...
Starting position, laying on your back with ZejaX behind your head and arms extended. Do a reverse crunch bringing Zejax over your feet, and straighten your legs. Repeat the reverse crunch bringing Zejax over your feet and head again. You...
ZejaX Eastern Drops works on many different muscles in various sections of the body. Step by step:Place ZejaX where the wall and floor meet.One hand on top of the cap or next to it.Bodyweight slightly forward.Turn, and sit down.Come up...
Step by step: Hold ZejaX with your right hand, your right leg goes over.Come down till ideally your hand reaches the ground or as low as you can go. As you get stronger and more flexible by practising this exercise...
Step by step: Place ZejaX where the wall and floor meet.Lay down on your back.Place Zejax directly over your head and hold it with both hands.Go up and down.Do as many reps as you want, alternating it with other ZejaX...
Great to work the chest in narrow range, we don't work this range on other bodyweight or weight exercises. But for some sports we need this range. So this is a great exercise to work on that. Position: Place Zejax...
Position: On your knees, feet same width as your knees, chest on the Zejax, arms as high as possible, exhale and pull up, inhale and pull down.You can cheat and use the strength of your legs, but that wouldn't make...
Double Hammer looks like a core exercise, but it's not only that, and actually it mostly works biceps on the top side, triceps on bottom arm, as well as back musles, not to mention the shoulders, and of course your core...
This exercise works abdominals, triceps, extensors of the shoulder joint, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and hip flexors and quadriceps to a lesser degree. Position and moves:Place the Zejax Apparatus where the floor and wall meet, hands together, reach up over...